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  • Upper Suite: (per night) 

    • Value:    $420.00 (min. 3 nights) 

    • Regular: $490.00 (min. 3 nights)

    • Holiday: $610.00 (min. 5 nights) 

    • Peak:     $665.00 (min. 5 nights) 

  • Lower Suite: (per night)

    • Value:    $210.00 (min. 3 nights)

    • Regular: $235.00 (min. 3 nights) 

    • Holiday: $265.00 (min. 5 nights) 

    • Peak:     $295.00 (min. 5 nights) 

All rates are quoted in Canadian Funds and are inclusive.

Value Season:
Opening day - mid-November to December 20, 2011
January 4 to February 5,2012
March 22 to closing mid-April 2012

Regular Season: February 6 - March 21,2012

Holiday Season:
December 21 to 28,2011

Peak Season: December 29,2011 to January 3,2012

Booking Policy: A Deposit of the first night's accommodation is required within 10 days of reserving.  Final Payment is required 30 days prior to your arrival.  If booking is within 30 days, full payment will be taken.  We accept cheques or bank drafts as method of payment.  Rates are subject to change without notice.  A damage/security re-fundable deposit may be required.

Cancellation Policy:  Upon cancellation, we reserve the right to withhold the first night's deposit; if cancellation occurs within 14 days of your arrival date, we reserve the right to withhold 50% of the reservation deposit.  If the final payment is not received, we may cancel the reservation.

For the comfort of all our guests, we ask for 'no-smoking' and 'no pets' please.


For Reservations and Information Please Contact:

Allison Sellers
  Rob Sellers
Tel: 778-552-0008
  Tel: 604-816-5402
  Email: rob@stargazerskichalet.com